Founder of Emerging Leader Training, Marla Cormier- The Importance of Following Up
Episode 248
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Marla Cormier, Founder of Emerging Leader Training. Marla brings over 20 years of learning and development experience to organizations looking to engage and retain their top talent. Tune in to learn Marla’s thoughts on building the best place to work, making 1:1s as a manager most effective, exciting innovation in the people and talent space, and more!
About The Guest
Marla brings over 20 years of learning and development experience to organizations looking to engage and retain their top talent. She works with clients to build their emerging leader’s confidence and skills in their jobs today while developing them for opportunities in the future resulting in increased retention, a boost in morale, and the development of an internal talent pipeline.
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