Lifecycle of Talent Management with Danielle Rosetti, Chief Talent Officer at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney
Episode 349
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Danielle Rosetti, Chief Talent Officer at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney. As Chief Talent Officer, Danielle is responsible for hiring at the shareholder and counsel level by attracting highly credentialed individuals and group practices to strategically grow the ranks. Tune in to learn Dani’s thoughts on investing in career development, the difference between mentors and managers, resourcing managers to have an ownership mentality, and more!
About The Guest
Dani L. Rosetti oversees all aspects of attorney and law student recruiting across the firm’s 15 offices, and is in charge of the growth and training of the firm's lawyers. As Chief Talent Officer, Dani is responsible for hiring at the shareholder and counsel level by attracting highly credentialed individuals and group practices to strategically grow the current ranks. She advises on expansion efforts and works closely with the firm’s Lateral Recruiting and Advisory Committees. By managing attorney integration plans, Dani champions the transition process of new shareholder and counsel attorneys through their first months at the firm. Dani advises her team on associate and law student hiring, as well as the execution of the summer associate program. She designs interviewing competencies and stays abreast of recruiting trends and market changes. Focusing on the natural intersection of recruiting and professional development, Dani also oversees the firm’s mentoring program, in-house continuing legal education efforts and provides individual and practice group counseling. She works closely with the firm's Associates Committee to evaluate associate candidates and practice group needs; foster communication between associates and firm management through associate evaluations, regular meetings, panel discussions and surveys; and set associate compensation. Dani executes all aspects of candidate due diligence by vetting references, bar admissions and conflicts and responds to questions on a variety of compliance issues and firm policies related to the welfare of attorneys and makes suggestions for improvement. She also works closely with the firm’s Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer and the Diversity & Inclusion Committee to design and implement the firm's diversity initiatives, including the bi-annual Attorney of Color Retreat, the diversity report, along with recruiting, career customization and sponsorship initiatives.
Episode Transcription
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