AllVoices for Higher Education

Helping institutions build trust on campus

Higher education has faced tough challenges in recent years, from remote learning, to increased student stress, to faculty burnout. AllVoices helps institutions create a more supportive, inclusive environment, through active feedback and consistent fair processes for students, faculty and staff.
Trusted by people-first companies

Culture of Transparency
Our anonymous reporting platform encourages employees to speak up about workplace issues, which helps create a culture of transparency and accountability.
Speak Up Culture
Our anonymous reporting platform encourages employees to speak up about workplace issues, which helps create a culture of transparency and accountability.
Risk Mitigation
Reduce the risk of legal complications by ensuring all cases are handled properly and thoroughly documented, protecting your organization.
Improve Leadership Perception
Show employees you’re truly listening with a modern tool that feels like a safe space, not a police report
Culture of Transparency
Our anonymous reporting platform encourages employees to speak up about workplace issues, which helps create a culture of transparency and accountability.
Speak Up Culture
Our anonymous reporting platform encourages employees to speak up about workplace issues, which helps create a culture of transparency and accountability.
Risk Mitigation
Reduce the risk of legal complications by ensuring all cases are handled properly and thoroughly documented, protecting your organization.
Improve Leadership Perception
Show employees you’re truly listening with a modern tool that feels like a safe space, not a police report

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