Cheryl Rodness, Leader of Talent Enablement & Culture at Calix - Making Sure Employees Feel Seen and Valued
Episode 154
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Cheryl Rodness, Leader of Talent Enablement & Culture at Calix. Cheryl brings over 20 years of Marketing expertise in both high tech and consumer goods.
About The Guest
Cheryl brings over 20 years Marketing expertise in both high tech and consumer goods. Her career has spanned across the marketing discipline with a focus on GTM strategy, persona-based marketing, insights & analytics and marketing skills/training development. She is currently the Leader of Talent Enablement & Culture at Calix. Prior to Calix, Cheryl has held executive leadership roles as IBM, Juniper Networks, Unisys and J. Walter Thompson. In addition, Cheryl has taught several marketing and organizational leadership classes at the graduate level as an adjunct professor and is often asked to speak at 3rd party and client events.
Episode Transcription
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