Elliot Altomare, Manager of People & Organizational Culture at Transgender Law Center - Holding Space and Reducing Harm
Episode 317
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Elliot Altomare, Manager of People & Organizational Culture at Transgender Law Center. Elliot is passionate about honoring our humanity and making space for meaningful, intentional relationships as the foundation of our lives & work together. Tune in to learn Elliot’s thoughts on the role of an employer to create equity, showing up for the full lives of employees, approaching inevitable conflict, and more!
About The Guest
Elliot Altomare (they/them usually) is a white trans person living in rural Connecticut. They are neurodivergent, often napping, and probably talking about feelings, conflict, and organizational systems. When not working, they're usually found hanging out with children or elders. Elliot is passionate about honoring our humanity and making space for meaningful, intentional relationships as the foundation of our lives & work together.
Episode Transcription
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