DEI In a Nonbinary Way with Nick Alm, Godx of the House of Mossier
Episode 345
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Nick Alm, Godx of the House of Mossier. Nick is unstoppably energized by getting all organizations to embrace everyone LGBTQ, including the intersections of race, gender, orientation, and ability. Tune in to learn Nick’s thoughts on being truly queer-inclusive, fostering intentional progress around trans-inclusive workplaces, practical strategies, and more!
About The Guest
Nick is unstoppably energized by getting all organizations to embrace everyone LGBTQ, including the intersections of race, gender, orientation, and ability. They are all for calling orgs to the table to claim accountability and reconstruct new ways of working.
Episode Transcription
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