SVP of People at Catalant, Amy Knapp - How Do We Re-Recruit People?
Episode 189
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Amy Knapp, SVP of People at Catalant. Amy Knapp (she/her) has over twenty years experience in recruiting and people operations. Previous to Catalant she led talent for the venture capital firm Redpoint Ventures where she partnered with portfolio companies on their talent and people programs and strategies, after receiving their first investment through different stages of growth. Tune in to learn Amy’s thoughts on qualitative and quantitative ways to measure employee happiness, stay interviews, promoting and improving internal mobility pathways, and more!
About The Guest
Amy Knapp (she/her) has over twenty years experience in recruiting and people operations. Currently she is SVP People at Catalant Technologies where she leads recruiting and HR. Previously she led talent for the venture capital firm Redpoint Ventures where she partnered with portfolio companies on their talent and people programs and strategies, after receiving their first investment through different stages of growth. She’s also been in operational Human Resources and recruiting roles at Google, Ning, and Chegg. Amy is currently on the board of Operation Troop Support, a non profit supporting deployed military troops and their families, and is active as a Cub Scout leader. Amy is a die hard Boston Bruins fan, a foster-adoptive parent, and an avid road tripper, having visited all 50 states.
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