Chief People Officer at Converscia, Rafael Zamora - Redefining Employee Engagement
Episode 223
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Rafael Zamora, Chief People Officer at Converscia. Rafael is a human resources executive with 20+ years’ experience developing and scaling start-ups to successful IPO organizations. His key focus of expertise is in Talent Acquisition/Staffing, HR Management Operations, and Culture Development. Tune in to learn Rafael’s thoughts on re-defining employee engagement in a virtual friendly or remote first environment, scaling company culture when growing, intentional succession planning, and more!
About The Guest
Rafael is a human resources executive with 20+ years’ experience developing and scaling start-ups to successful IPO organizations. His key focus of expertise is in Talent Acquisition/Staffing, HR Management Operations, and Culture Development. Rafael is a strong communicator at all levels of the organization and an experienced professional in leading implementation and delivery of Human Resources strategies, policies and services that create, support and sustain a high performance, innovative and entrepreneurial culture.
Episode Transcription
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