Founder & Principal at Dubin Consulting Group, Matt Dubin- Think About Your Holistic Moments of Flow
Episode 207
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Matt Dubin, Founder & Principal at Dubin Consulting Group. Matt's passion is to help others see their jobs as more than just work, but a source of meaning, connection, and self-actualization. Tune in to learn Matt’s thoughts on redefining employee engagement and happiness in a remote world, the key pillars of a sustainable psychologically safe environment, working toward a future with more gender equity, and more!
About The Guest
Matt is the Founder and Principal of Dubin Consulting Group. When he was a student at the University of Michigan, his Mentor, Dr. Christopher Peterson (one of the founding fathers of Positive Psychology), often asked: “What makes life worth living?” According to Matt and the current research, fulfilling work is a major part of the answer. Considering that only a third of Americans are engaged in their jobs, there is a striking gap between what work is and what it could be. Matt's passion is to help others see their jobs as more than just work, but a source of meaning, connection, and self-actualization. Matt completed his PhD in Positive Organizational Psychology at Claremont Graduate University under the tutelage of Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the creator of the flow theory. He was awarded the inaugural “Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Dissertation Award for Excellence in Positive Psychology” for his research on cultivating flow in the workplace. From start-ups to Fortune 100 companies, Matt has worked with a variety of organizations in a range of industries including tech, professional sports, entertainment, advertising, fashion, law, and finance. Matt previously was the Manager of Organization Development and Training at FOX entertainment group. Matt lives in Los Angeles with his wife, daughter, and two dogs. He loves all things basketball, playing guitar, and trying as many restaurants in LA as possible (and finishing everyone’s leftovers).
Episode Transcription
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