Dave Landa, CEO of Kintone Corporation - Flexibility in Company Culture
Episode 194
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Dave Landa, CEO of Kintone Corporation. In leading efforts to improve teamwork for organizations, Dave has developed profound expertise on the culture, tools and policies needed for teams to optimize collaboration. He has spoken and written extensively about the role of flexibility, transparency and management in team building, as well as the importance of purpose and happiness in the workplace. Tune in to learn Dave’s thoughts on work from home parenting, using feedback to build a culture of listening, areas of improvement, and more!
About The Guest
Dave Landa is the chief executive officer of Kintone Corporation, and a board member of Kintone’s parent company, Cybozu Inc. Kintone, the product, is a digital workplace platform with a no-code builder that empowers organizations to effectively manage their data, workflows, and team collaboration in a more transparent and empowered way. In leading efforts to improve teamwork for organizations, Dave has developed profound expertise on the culture, tools and policies needed for teams to optimize collaboration. He has spoken and written extensively about the role of flexibility, transparency and management in team building, as well as the importance of purpose and happiness in the workplace. Dave has been on the forefront of the cloud revolution for decades, driving strategic business development on the executive teams of leading SaaS application providers. His career includes stints at Fortune 500 companies (Ball Corporation) and startups (Blue Rice, SPG Solutions, Electric Run), and he was instrumental in bringing a mid-stage company (Active Network) through to a successful IPO.
Episode Transcription
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