Jabulile Dayton Chief People and Inclusion Officer (she/her) and Lesley Alegría (she/her) Recruiting and People Operations Consultant and Career Coach - Consistently Creating Culture
Episode 191
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Jabulile Dayton, Chief People and Inclusion Officer and Lesley Alegría, Recruiting and People Operations Consultant and Career Coach. As a Consultant and Career Coach, Lesley's goal is to ensure everyone, especially people underrepresented in the workplace, have the opportunity to build meaningful careers. To date, she has recruited for 14+ growing companies and hired over 60 professionals into technical, general, and administrative roles. Jabu thrives in complicated spaces and enjoys the challenges most often found in the startup markets. While building people operations, she also adds value by coaching executives, designing strategies to mitigate risk, and helping companies articulate a compelling employer brand message and build loyal relationships and positive cultures. Tune in to learn Jabulile and Lesley’s thoughts on the difference between “good” inclusive recruiting and “great” inclusive recruiting, building trust internally, proactively identifying hidden dangers by empowering employees to speak up, and more!
About The Guest
Lesley Alegría, a Cornell University and Teach for America alumna, is an experienced recruiting and people operations consultant, career coach, and entrepreneur. She builds inclusive recruiting systems and effective onboarding experiences at growing technology companies, and coaches people through career pivot points. As a Consultant and Career Coach, Lesley's goal is to ensure everyone, especially people underrepresented in the workplace, have the opportunity to build meaningful careers. To date, she has recruited for 14+ growing companies and hired over 60 professionals into technical, general, and administrative roles. Lesley has been featured in People of Color in Tech and invited to speak to professional communities like Techqueria- Latinx in Tech and the Fordham Women in Business Conference. Lesley is based out of Greenville, SC and the San Francisco Bay Area. Outside of her core work, she mentors first-generation high school and college students across the United States and serves on a local Greenville, SC non-profit board that increases access to water safety education. She recharges with her family and loves traveling the world with her husband. Get in touch via email - lesley@lesleyalegria.com and follow her on Instagram - @career_lessons and LinkedIn. Jabu Dayton, the owner of consulting firm Jabu HR, has a 20+ year career of guiding and scaling companies, with both a start-up and a corporate lens. After 13 years of progressive HR leadership experience at Nordstrom – where Jabu directly oversaw support of over 1,000 employees and a corporate division of 500 – Jabu moved into a startup HR role at Airbnb when it was still a 40-person startup. Jabu thrives in complicated spaces and enjoys the challenges most often found in the startup markets. While building people operations, she also adds value by coaching executives, designing strategies to mitigate risk, and helping companies articulate a compelling employer brand message and build loyal relationships and positive cultures.
Episode Transcription
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