Lauren Wegman, Head of People Analytics at Twitter - The Value of People Analytics
Episode 289
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Lauren Wegman, Head of People Analytics at Twitter. Throughout her applied career, Lauren has continued to focus on the future of work and has presented numerous works dedicated to documenting and describing changes in work and workers. Tune in to learn Laura’s thoughts on defining people analytics, leveraging data across departments, designing the world of work, and more!
About The Guest
Lauren Wegman, PhD (she / her) received her doctorate from the University of Georgia in Industrial Organizational Psychology, specializing in the changing nature of work. Lauren is the Senior Director and Global Head of People Analytics at Twitter. In her role, she leads a team of data scientists, researchers, and applied practitioners in their mission to perform research and uncover data-driven insights to better attract, hire, engage, and retain the people who will carry Twitter forward. Prior to Twitter, Lauren led the People Analytics Teams at Yahoo Inc. followed by Oath / Verizon Media. Throughout her applied career, Lauren has continued to focus on the future of work and has presented numerous works dedicated to documenting and describing changes in work and workers. Her research has been presented at conferences including SIOP, included in academic journals including Journal of Management, and most recently summarized in the Cambridge Handbook of the Changing Nature of Work in which Lauren also served as a co-editor.
Episode Transcription
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