Mika J. Cross, Federal Workplace Expert and Workplace Transformation Strategic Advisor - Redoing the Model of Work
Episode 198
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Mika J. Cross, Federal Workplace Expert and Workplace Transformation Strategic Advisor. Mika J. Cross is a distinguished transformational workplace strategist and human capital innovator.
About The Guest
Mika J. Cross is a distinguished transformational workplace strategist and human capital innovator. With extensive experience designing and implementing innovative, transformational workplace solutions she has expertise in remote and flexible work implementation, change management communications, talent acquisition/management, recruitment branding strategies, next generation/future workplace forecasting, workforce skills development, performance management, employee engagement and policy development. As the Vice President of Employer Engagement and Strategic Initiatives at FlexJobs, Mika worked with business executives across private, public, and non-profit sectors to customize their talent management capabilities, establish recruitment/marketing brand strategy and develop workforce planning and flex or remote work policy strategies for attracting, recruiting, hiring, and retaining top talent.
Episode Transcription
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