Matthew Grimes, Head of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Cleveland Guardians- Amplify and Uplift Historically Marginalized Voices
Episode 323
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Matthew Grimes, Head of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Cleveland Guardians. Matthew has worked on the front-line of social justice reform for over a decade as a student, teacher, trainer, administrator, and systems leader, his goal is to promote a world where education and training are widely recognized as a global force for change. Tune in to learn Matthew’s thoughts on designing systems to hold leaders accountable, collaborating with other departments to meet shared goals, having courageous conversations, and more!
About The Guest
Matthew is a modern-day Robin Hood of Justice with an unwavering commitment to eradicate racial inequities in schools, businesses, non-profits, cities, towns, and more. His experiences leading in various professional capacities while working with people on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion have convinced him that when institutional practices and policies that are inherently racist and inequitable are eliminated, change happens. A strategic thinker and thought-provoking facilitator, his passion is for work that helps ensure a high quality, culturally proficient, diverse workforce at all levels. Having worked on the front-line of social justice reform for over a decade as a student, teacher, trainer, administrator, and systems leader, his goal is to promote a world where education and training are widely recognized as a global force for change. A former United States' Fulbright Scholar and Teach for America Alumnus, Matthew has studied and observed social inequities on three different continents, over a dozen countries, and nearly 30 U.S states.
Episode Transcription
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