Olivia Nuamah, National Inclusion, Diversity, and Belonging Leader at PwC Canada - Equity Dialogue and Trust Roadmaps
Episode 263
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Olivia Nuamah, National Inclusion, Diversity, and Belonging Leader at PwC Canada. With a long record of accomplishment in the inclusion and diversity space and experience leading organizations like Pride Toronto and the Atkinson Foundation, Olivia believes strongly in the power of community building to advance justice and equity. Tune in to learn Olivia’s thoughts on measuring inclusion and belonging, creating a more equitable world, celebrating AAPI Heritage Month, and more!
About The Guest
Olivia Nuamah (She / Her) As PwC Canada’s National Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging Officer, Olivia Nuamah plays a key role in policy, workforce planning, consultation, research, coordinating employee resource groups, strategy development and implementation. She joined PwC Canada in 2021 after serving as a senior leader in the government and non-profit sectors. With a long record of accomplishment in the inclusion and diversity space and experience leading organizations like Pride Toronto and the Atkinson Foundation, Olivia believes strongly in the power of community building to advance justice and equity.
Episode Transcription
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