Intentional Around DEI with Paul Whitney, Chief Human Resources Officer at Sysdig
Episode 344
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Paul Whitney, Chief Human Resources Officer at Sysdig. Paul is a global human resource executive with more than 20 years of experience. Tune in to learn Paul’s thoughts on radical flexibility in company culture, resourcing new managers, preventing burnout, and more!
About The Guest
Paul Whitney is Chief Human Resource Officer at Sysdig. Paul is a global human resource executive with more than 20 years of experience. At Sysdig, Paul leads the team that creates and drives strategies around people engagement and experience, focused on recruiting top talent, cultivating company culture, and helping the Sysdig team to realize its potential. Prior to Sysdig, Paul was the Chief People Officer at Cohesity and Databricks and held a similar role at Nimble Storage. Paul has a passion for building great company cultures and has helped two former companies through successful IPOs. Hailing from the UK, Paul currently lives in Sacramento with his wife and 2 schnauzers.
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