Chief People Officer at Boom, Barb Bidan - The Impact of Employee Listening
Episode 215
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Barb Bidan, Chief People Officer at Boom. Bidan brings more than 20 years of experience to Boom, having held a number of senior HR leadership roles beyond Peloton, including technology and consumer brands like BlackBerry, Yahoo, and InVision Tune in to Barb’s thoughts on the impact of employee listening, investing in managers, anonymous feedback, and more!
About The Guest
As Chief People Officer, Bidan leads the talent acquisition and development of culture at Boom. Prior to this role, she led Peloton’s Global Talent department as an SVP, building world-class programs for Talent Attraction, Total Rewards, Diversity, Equity & Belonging, Employee Experience, and more. Bidan brings more than 20 years of experience to Boom, having held a number of senior HR leadership roles beyond Peloton, including technology and consumer brands like BlackBerry, Yahoo, and InVision. Both a talent architect and growth professional, Bidan has a demonstrated ability to effectively scale companies by a magnitude of thousands of employees. She is a graduate of the University of Waterloo and has also earned an MBA from The University of Texas at Dallas.
Episode Transcription
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