Amber Bollinger, Incoming Chief People Officer at Change Companies - A Call to Action for HR Leaders
Episode 266
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Amber Bollinger, Incoming Chief People Officer at Change Companies. Amber Bollinger was the Chief Experience Officer at Remarkable Health, which has recently been acquired by Netsmart Technologies, where she is serving as an integration executive focused on integrating the cultures and processes of the two organizations. Tune in to learn Amber’s thoughts on measuring company culture, integrating teams after an acquisition, redefining employee engagement, and more!
About The Guest
Amber Bollinger was the Chief Experience Officer at Remarkable Health, which has recently been acquired by Netsmart Technologies, where she is serving as an integration executive focused on integrating the cultures and processes of the two organizations. As Chief Experience Officer at Remarkable Health Amber created an environment focused on Employee and Customer engagement and experience. Shortly after joining Remarkable Health as the VP of People Operations, the company adopted the Entrepreneurial Operating System, (EOS) and gained traction. In June 2020 her role expanded to Chief Experience Officer with leadership of the Customer Experience teams. In January 2021 Remarkable Health embraced the EOS organizational structure and Amber took on the role of Integrator for the business, overseeing all business functions and driving cross functional alignment and operational efficiencies across the organization. Prior to joining Remarkable Health Amber spent more than 20 years in Human Resources with a focus on Leadership and Organizational Development. In August Amber will join the Change Companies as their Chief People Officer.
Episode Transcription
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