Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Jonathan Johnson - Dismantling Systems of Toxic Masculinity
Episode 209
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Jonathan Johnson, Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas. For over 20 years, Jj has nurtured inclusive success and retention initiatives in higher education, with a specific expertise in advocating for the matriculation of underrepresented, underserved, and low-income college students. Tune in to learn Jonathan’s thoughts on mitigating toxic masculinity, non verbal cues and language around toxic masculinity, non-negotiables for belonging, and more!
About The Guest
Jonathan L. “Jj” Johnson, Ph.D., he/him, currently serves as the inaugural Vice President of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas. Jonathan, also goes by Jj, a strong academic and professional track record to the DEIB. For over 20 years, Jj has nurtured inclusive success and retention initiatives in higher education, with a specific expertise in advocating for the matriculation of underrepresented, underserved, and low-income college students. Jj also consults and collaborates with organizations, non-profits, colleges and universities on issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, leadership, dismantling masculinities in executive leadership, holistic wellbeing, gender bias, racial battle fatigue, college student identity development, and environmental sustainability. Jj is a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., speaks with local public-school kids, and is committed to other youth initiatives. Dr. Johnson is an honored first generation graduate of Berea College where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Technology & Industrial Arts Management; Master of Science degree in Higher Education at the University of Kentucky; graduate certificate in Pan-African Studies; Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Counseling Psychology and College Student Personnel at the University of Louisville; and several DEI certifications.
Episode Transcription
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