Connection and Global Collaboration with Michael Peachey
Episode 88
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Michael Peachey, VP of User Experience at RingCentral. Over the last 20 years, Michael's focus has been on building (or rebuilding) enterprise scale, consumer grade, global design and product teams.
About The Guest
Throughout his career, Michael has created value for investors and enterprises by bridging the chasm between excellence in design and excellence in development, in the real world of prioritization and business trade-offs. Over the last 20 years, Michael's focus has been on building (or rebuilding) enterprise-scale, consumer-grade, global design and product teams. Michael is currently VP UX for RingCentral in Belmont, CA, where he leads a global team responsible for their complete line of CPaaS products. At RNG, Michael built a global team of 80+, starting with a handful of designers. Michael introduced Research, Design Operations and Content strategy practices, built web and mobile design systems shared by UX/Dev, rebuilt the core desktop Message+Voice+Video app on a modern UI architecture, and rebuilt the iOS and Android mobile applications, both of which enjoy a 4.5+ user rating. Prior, Michael was VP UX and Executive Producer at Sumologic, delivering centralized log management and cloud-based unstructured data analytics at scale for developers, DevOps, IT Ops and SecOps teams.
Episode Transcription
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