Chief People Officer at Gainsight, Carol Mahoney - Human First Coaching & Intentional Connectedness
Episode 249
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Carol Mahoney, Chief People Officer at Gainsight. Carol Mahoney is entrusted with maintaining the happiness of employees, whether it be through perks, compensation, or recognition and awards. Tune in to learn Carol’s thoughts on innovations within the hiring process, empowering folks to have a human-first approach to processes and projects, key pillars of sustainable psychological safety, and more!
About The Guest
Carol Mahoney holds the Chief People Officer position on Gainsight's Human Resources team. As Chief People Officer, Carol Mahoney is an important member of Gainsight's leadership. Carol Mahoney is entrusted with maintaining the happiness of employees, whether it be through perks, compensation, or recognition and awards. Employees at Gainsight rate their leadership an A+, ranking them within the Top 5% in San Francisco.
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