Chief People Officer at Outset Medical, Stacey Porter - Believing in People and Communities
Episode 202
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Stacey Porter, Chief People Officer at Outset Medical. Stacey has held leadership roles at VMware and Roche and has built a career on creating nimble, progressive organizations. She has an MSW and doctoral studies in industrial/organizational psychology. Tune in to learn Stacey’s thoughts on building anti-corporate culture, resourcing an individual contributor to be a manager, subtracting hierarchy, and more!
About The Guest
Stacey Porter joined Outset as Vice President, People Operations in November 2018. Stacey has expertise in organizational design, innovative talent practices, and employee engagement. Prior to Outset, she was the Head of Global Talent Development for Intuitive Surgical, Inc., responsible for designing performance and succession practices, while developing leaders and high-performing teams. Stacey has held leadership roles at VMware and Roche, and has built a career on creating nimble, progressive organizations. She has a MSW and doctoral studies in industrial/organizational psychology.
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