Change the Mindset of Exclusion with Julia Geisman
Episode 96
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Julia Geisman, Founder & CEO of CareerAgility LLC. Over the last 30 years, Julia Geisman has been laser-focused on the people side of business to increase individual, team and organizational success. For the last 15 years, she has been attacking the root causes of workplace inequities concentrating on inclusion.
About The Guest
Julia Geisman (she, her, hers) Over the last 30 years, Julia Geisman has been laser-focused on the people side of business to increase individual, team and organizational success. For the last 15 years, she has been attacking the root causes of workplace inequities concentrating on inclusion. CareerAgility, the company Julia founded is built on the belief that inclusion is the DNA of organizations. It is vital for attracting and retaining top talent, increasing innovation, and growing profitability. Their comprehensive approach provides the data required for building and sustaining an inclusive work environment. She is the author of a series of career advancement ebooks, numerous articles on inclusion and diversity, and currently is working on a chapter on the hidden costs of exclusion for a compilation book scheduled for release in the Fall, 2021. Julia has been a panelist and speaker at national and international conferences, has conducted hundreds of workshops and webinars, is a coach and trusted advisor to senior executives, and is actively engaged in organizations promoting inclusion and equity. She is known for her ability to provoke new thinking and her sense of humor. Follow her on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook Follow her on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook Contact Julia at:
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