Bryce Celotto, Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Founder, Educator and Strategist, Founder of Swarm Strategy - Starting with Active Listening
Episode 260
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Bryce Celotto, Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Founder, Educator and Strategist, Founder of Swarm Strategy. Over the last 11-years Bryce has used his multitude of skills in advocacy, facilitation, curriculum development and organizational design to put his framework centered in justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) into action. Tune in to learn Bryce’s thoughts on companies and leaders leaning into anti-racism work, tips for leaders starting their equity journeys, the foundation of education, and more!
About The Guest
Bryce J. Celotto is a Black/queer/transmasculine/ neurodivergent person who was born, and raised, in the Carolinas. He brings his lifelong experiences living at the intersections, and over a decade of professional expertise in policy, racial justice, LGBTQ equity and education to problemsolve from the grassroots to corporate board rooms. Over the last 11-years Bryce has used his multitude of skills in advocacy, facilitation, curriculum development and organizational design to put his framework centered in justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) into action. Prior to starting Swarm, Bryce came-of-age in the non-profit industrial complex at organizations dedicated to LGBTQ advocacy, racial justice, and youth leadership. After his early professional experiences, Bryce returned to school to complete his education — going from a G.E.D to the Ivy League. He is a proud graduate of Holyoke Community College, The University of Massachusetts Boston - Honors College (Magna Cum Laude) and Brown University — where he earned his Masters Degree. During his time as a graduate student at Brown, Bryce co-Led, developed and implemented justice, equity, diversity and inclusion programming for the Brown Education Department. Since establishing Swarm Strategy in June 2020, Bryce has spearheaded justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) strategy with a variety of corporate clients, global brands, and non-profit organizations. His work ranges from developing intersectional racial justice workshops, leading corporate diversity councils through policy implementation processes, developing and-scaling DEI initiatives to engaging C-Suite leaders in an anti-racist development curriculum.
Episode Transcription
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