Authentic Candidate Experiences with Danielle Colanto, Director of Global Talent Acquisition at Yotpo
Episode 358
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Danielle Colanto, Director of Global Talent Acquisition at Yotpo. Danielle has been scaling inclusive, high-performing teams around the world for well over a decade. Tune in to learn Danielle’s thoughts on staying unique as a company, showcasing values in the candidate experience, meaningful connection in a hybrid environment, and more!
About The Guest
Danielle Colanto is the Director of Global Talent Acquisition at Yotpo. In her current role she leads talent acquisition and DEI initiatives across US, Europe and JPAC. Danielle has been scaling inclusive, high-performing teams around the world for well over a decade. Her first loves are fashion and retail; she’s worked for some of the most widely recognized brand names in the world, including Armani and Victoria's Secret. She developed an interest in tech startups while living abroad in Australia, and two years ago found the perfect union in Yotpo, an eCommerce marketing platform.
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