Chess Avant-Garde, Global Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Social Impact at LiveRamp- Default to Action
Episode 200
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Chess Avant-Garde, Global Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Social Impact at LiveRamp. Chess helps integrate DIB strategy into the company's framework and enables different teams to participate in equity and social justice on a global scale. Tune in to learn Chess’ thoughts on measuring diversity, inclusion and belonging initiatives, impact versus intent, holding space for uncomfortable conversations, and more!
About The Guest
Chess Avant-Garde is a Culture Strategist, Creative Producer, and Coach from Atlanta, Georgia. Currently, the Global DIB and Social Impact Lead at LiveRamp, Chess helps integrate DIB strategy into the company's framework and enables different teams to participate in equity and social justice on a global scale. Chess also founded WOU Collective, a collective for leaders in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Impact. They previously served at Niantic, PatientPop, and the University of Michigan, advancing culture strategy and equity programs.
Episode Transcription
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