Racial Equity & Inclusion Director at Ben & Jerry’s, Karen Driscoll - Root Cause Analysis & Equitable Community
Episode 213
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Karen Driscoll, Racial Equity & Inclusion Director at Ben & Jerry’s. As Racial Equity and Inclusion Director at Ben & Jerry’s, Karen serves as a thought leader partnering with other senior leaders and the independent board to further develop and implement racial equity strategies which eliminate systemic marginalization. Tune in to learn Karen’s thoughts on how to make internal systems more equitable, consistently showing up and dismantling systemic marginalization, measuring the progress of racial equity strategies, and more!
About The Guest
As Racial Equity and Inclusion Director at Ben & Jerry’s, Karen serves as a thought leader partnering with other senior leaders and the independent board to further develop and implement racial equity strategies which eliminate systemic marginalization. She also serves as an advocate and ally, working toward shared power with Black, Indigenous, and all People of Color and allocating resources with the goal of dismantling racism both internally and externally.
Episode Transcription
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