Rukayatu Tijani, Founder, Creator, and Chief Esquire Officer of Firm for the Culture - Protecting Your Brand Through Intellectual Property
Episode 179
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Rukayatu Tijani, Founder, Creator, and Chief Esquire Officer of Firm for the Culture. Firm for the Culture was borne out of Ruky’s passion for the law, social impact, social entrepreneurship, and strategically scaling to create sustainable change. Tune in to learn Rukayatu’s thoughts on social impact, proactively protecting brands, company responsibility to communities, and more!
About The Guest
Rukayatu “Ruky” Tijani is a Trademark Attorney and the Founder, Creator, and Chief Esquire Officer of Firm for the Culture. Ruky founded the Firm for the Culture after years of serving as an intellectual property attorney in the Silicon Valley Office of the top litigation firm in the country. Firm for the Culture was borne out of Ruky’s passion for the law, social impact, social entrepreneurship, and strategically scaling to create sustainable change. Drawing on her extensive experience as an intellectual property attorney in the Silicon Valley office of the top litigation firm in the Country, Ruky provides extensive, detail-oriented and comprehensive trademark education, strategy, and application services to a host of social entrepreneurs and innovative founders at accessible flat-fee prices. Ruky is a proud Nigerian-American first-generation professional from the projects of Brooklyn, New York; a graduate of UC Berkeley School of Law; and a member of the New York and California State Bars. She loves to cook, sing, and hike.
Episode Transcription
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