A People First Culture with Natasha Thomas, Manager of People and Culture at Curate Partners
Episode 340
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Natasha Thomas, Manager of People and Culture at Curate Partners. With over a decade of IT industry experience, Natasha is passionate about building programs and opportunities to support people of all backgrounds in achieving their career ambitions. Tune in to learn Natasha’ thoughts on building a sense of belonging, moments of connection in a hybrid environment, the role of the employee voice, and more!
About The Guest
Natasha Thomas (she/her) is the Manager of People and Culture at Curate Partners. She studied at SUNY Fredonia, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Sociology and currently resides in the North end of Boston, MA. With over a decade of IT industry experience, Natasha is passionate about building programs and opportunities to support people of all backgrounds in achieving their career ambitions. A major focus in her current role is expanding DEI&B initiatives for internal/external employees and clients.
Episode Transcription
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