Pam Jeffords, Senior Partner at Sapient Insights Group - Promote Equity & End Goals
Episode 300
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Pam Jeffords, Senior Partner at Sapient Insights Group. Pam has over 25 years of experience advising companies and organizations on how to break the status quo and drive progress with their diversity, inclusion, and engagement goals. Tune in to learn Pam’s thoughts on leveraging research and people-related facts, patterns in company engagement, looking internally at company data, and more!
About The Guest
Pam Jeffords is a Senior Partner at Sapient Insights Group, leading the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practice. She has over 25 years of experience advising companies and organizations on how to break the status quo and drive progress with their diversity, inclusion, and engagement goals. Pam is a member of the Global Leadership Council for Colorado State University College of Business and a Limited Partner in The JumpFund, whose mission is to invest in women-led startups. Pam has also served as Chair of Women United for the Mile-High United Way, where she received the prestigious Frances Wisebart Jacobs award for philanthropy. In addition, Pam has been featured in numerous publications, including Fortune magazine, The Economist, and BRINK. Pam holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Louisiana State University and an MBA in Business Administration from Georgia State.
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