Brave Spaces with Saqi Mehta, Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at GoodRx
Episode 361
About This Episode
In this episode of Reimagining Company Culture, we’re chatting with Saqi Mehta, Senior Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at GoodRx. Saqi is passionate about uplifting communities with a core focus on intersectionality. Tune in to learn Saqi’s thoughts on the role of private and public employers to create equity, community resource groups, meaningful meanings of connection, and more!
About The Guest
Saqi Mehta (she/her) is passionate about uplifting communities with a core focus on intersectionality. She started her career as a trained researcher and counselor at Harvard, MIT, Harvard Business School before transitioning to the startup tech space at VMware, Square, Cloudera and Divvy where she led recruiting teams focused on high growth. It was during this time that Saqi saw a need and opportunity to build Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts from the ground up, and today she leads DEI at GoodRx, whose mission is to provide affordable and convenient healthcare to all. Saqi has served on the board of National Tech Diversity Magazine and written for HuffPo, Daily Muse and Blavity amongst other publications. She has spoken at numerous conferences and events: in any non-typing free time she is an art, interior design, and travel enthusiast.
Episode Transcription
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